Yes, its true, sleep really does improve your look and your mood! Unfortunately only one fourth of Americans get the recommended amount of beauty sleep according to Here are some common mistakes ladies make in their sleep routines and ways to get yourself back on track!
1) Watching TV before bed- You may not think this is harmful to your sleep but scientists think differently. The fake light that comes off the screen tricks your brain into thinking it is not time to sleep yet! The same goes for blinking cell phone lights and leaving a light on while you doze off. If you like to unwind before bed, try listening to music instead.
2) Checking the time- Constantly checking the time on your alarm clock or phone to see how much time you have left to sleep can up your anxiety and make it hard to fall asleep. Keep your alarm clock somewhere where you can't see the time if you find yourself constantly peeking!
3) Sleeping in a warm room- Sleeping in a room with a temperature above 68 degrees is not suggested and sends wrong signals to your brain that make it difficult to fall into a deep sleep.
4) Drinking caffeine- According to , if you drink mass amounts of coffee, tea and Pepsi maybe its time to rethink your drinking habits! A lot of caffeine can result in difficulties falling asleep. Doctors recommend drinking non-caffeinated drinks in the 8 hours before its time to hit the hay.
5) Smoking- Smoking cigarettes will increase your brain activity while you sleep which results in a poor nights sleep. Experts suggest having your last cigarette 4 hours before your head hits the pillow.
6) PJ's that are too tight- Jammies that are too tight are uncomfortable and make sleep difficult! According to, a study found that sleeping in tight, body-shaping articles of clothing interfere with circadian rhythms that might decrease melatonin levels and increase body temperature. Who knew? Invest in some chic satin pajamas and sleep well!
Catch up on some Z's with these tips and you'll be good to go! xox
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